Neocate asigură ameliorarea rapidă și eficientă a simptomelor aplv și a altor simptome gastrointestinale, în 3-14 zile, indiferent de complexitatea acestora

3. De Boissieu D et al. Allergy to extensively hydrolysed cow milk proteins in infants: identification and treatment with an amino-acid based formula. J Pediatr 1997; 131:744-747.
4. Vanderhoof JA et al. Intolerance to protein Hydrolysate infant formulas: an underrecognized cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in infants. J Pediatr 1997; 131:741-744.

Neocate întrerupe ciclul pierderii de nutrienţi și susţine recuperarea creșterii

1. Isolauri E et al. Efficacy and safety of hydrolysed cow milk and amino acid-derived formulas in infants with cow milk allergy. J Pediatr 1995; 127:550-557.; 2. Niggemann B et al. Prospective, controlled, multicenter study on the effect of an amino-acid based formula in infants with cow’s milk allergy/intolerance and atopic dermatitis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2001;12: 78-82.. 3. De Boissieu D et al. Allergy to extensively hydrolysed cow milk proteins in infants: identification and treatment with an amino-acid based formula. J Pediatr 1997; 131:744-747. 4. Vanderhoof JA et al. Intolerance to protein Hydrolysate infant formulas: an underrecognized cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in infants. J Pediatr 1997; 131:741-744.; 5. Isolauri E et al. Elimination diets in cows milk allergy risk for impaired growth in young children. J Pediatr 1998:132:1004- 9.; 6. Agostoni C et al. Growth Pattern of Breastfed and Nonbreastfed Infants With Atopic Dermatitis in the First Year of Life. Pediatrics 2000;106;e73.

Neocate - formulă pe bază de aminoacizi pentru sugarii cu intoleranţă la ehf sau de primă intenţie în cazuri severe de alergii

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